主页 > 所有表格
1. Customer Agreement for Intermediate Customers (119KB)
2. 开户申请表样例 (0KB)
3. 客户协议书 (350KB)
4. Customer Agreement for Corporate Account (111KB)
5. CORP - Minutes of meeting - Board of Directors (17KB)
6. Account ID form (30.5KB)
7. Notice of Appointment –Authorised Trader (45KB)
8. Supplementary Form to Open Internet Sub-Account (12KB)
9. Fund Transfer to HSBC-UK-PLC (Remittance) Notice in US$ (12.7KB)
10. Fund Transfer to JP Morgan Chase NY (Remittance) Notice in US$ (12.5KB)
11. Funds Transfer (Remittance) Notification Hong Kong / London (18.1KB)
12. Funds Withdrawal Request (11.4KB)
13. 提款样表 (0KB)
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兴业投资(英国)有限公司. 乃兴业金融集团旗下公司,并由 Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 监管。